7 Ways Posture Can Help You Work Longer

Neutral, loosened up positions put less strain on the body, decreasing the probability of issues like strained wrists, stiff neck, and pain in the lumbar region. Follow the rules underneath to change your work arrangement for better posture and productivity. 

Discover the perfect seat height – From the floor to simply beneath your kneecap is your optimal seat height. 

Feet level on the floor – While sitting, your feet should lay level on the floor, knees bowed at a 90-degree point, hips above knees, feet shoulder-width separated. Put your feet on a footrest if your seat is too high to even consider allowing them to lay flat on the floor. 

Chair back at 100-135 degree point – Your lower back should lean against seat backrest, while you open your shoulders, and avoid inclining forward. Some ergonomic work chairs have headrests, and offer nonstop lumbar help to assist you with loosening up to a better posture. 

Discover the perfect screen height(s) – Measure the length from the floor to your eyes. Position your screen with the goal that your eyes lay on the top 1/3rd of the screen. Connect it to a stand or an arm. Re-measure on the off chance that you change to a standing position. 

The screen at a one-arm distance away –Generally, the focal point of your screen should be one arms distance away from you. If you are nearsighted or farsighted you may have to rearrange. We suggest setting your screen nearer from the outset and moving it back accordingly. 

Discover the perfect keyboard height – The good distance from the floor to your palm while typing is the ideal height for keyboard placement. Re-measure if you change to a standing position. 

Elbows at a 90-degree point – While typing, your elbows should rest near your body at a 90-100 degree point, practically like your hands are laying on your lap. Customizable keyboards like the split keyboard from Well Ergon can help keep your elbows in this nonpartisan position (and they let loose work area space also!). 

Remember you should switch positions regularly to help circulation and keep blood flow maintained.

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